NOTÍCIES ERASMUS 2014-162020-04-09T16:52:13+00:00
2006, 2016


DIARI, WEB I REVISTA ESCOLAR This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. DIARI, WEB I REVISTA ESCOLAR Para hacer difusión del proyecto Erasmus +, se han publicado artículos en el Diario de Rubí, la página

1806, 2016


THE PLANTS The children of primary school have worked on the topic of plants. The objective was to know the plants as living beings, to know what they need to live, what their parts are and what they contribute to people. This topic, like the others, is worked on in a transversal way, that is, from all curricular areas. From the Castilian area we have worked the plants

1306, 2016


PISSARRES BLANQUES Thanks to the Erasmus + grant, the school has gotten some white boards to use them as a learning tool during the lessons. This way, students can play games, practice new contents, share previous knowledges, etc. We have learnt to work with white boards during our stay in Birdwell School in Bristol and now we would like to introduce this resource in our school. PISSARRES

1306, 2016


PÀGINA BONES PRÀCTIQUES AL CENTRE DE RECURSOS The Teachers Resource Centre in Rubí has gathered the learning activities that we have done within the Erasmus + grant in a web page of good practices. This page is included in their own web page. PÀGINA BONES PRÀCTIQUES AL CENTRE DE RECURSOS El centre de recursos de la nostra ciutat, Rubí, ha recollit les activitats de formació realitzades en

3005, 2016


VISITANT PAÏSOS 5è The 30th of May the students have been visiting many countries from their chairs. Using Google Maps in the whiteboard they calculated how far are the countries from some of us are. China, Russia, Ecuador, Morocco, Uruguay… are so far! Thanks God for the planes! VISITANT PAÏSOS 5è El passat 30 de maig els alumnes de cinquè van estar visitant diferents països des de

2705, 2016


MARY IS HERE! Our speaking assistant, Owen, has gone and has arrived a new teacher named Mary. The best of changing the teacher is that everyone speaks different and with every change we have to adapt to a new accent. Welcome Mary! MARY IS HERE! Nuestro asistente de conversa, Owen, se ha marchado y ha llegado una nueva profesora que se llama Mary. Lo mejor de cambiar

2605, 2016


NOU MATERIAL ERASMUS + Thanks to the Budget given by the Erasmus + grant, the school has been able to acquire new material to work the English language, and also to develop topics from other subjects in English. We have bought some reading books; some games to work several grammatical structures; and also books about different topics as the Middle Ages, the Romans, the Prehistory, the weather, how the plants

2605, 2016


1st PRIMARY SHOPPINGLIST In Y1, students don’t use a book in the English class. They learn English through games, songs, stories, theatre and oral activities. That’s why, the new materials, bought thanks to the Erasmus + grant, are very useful to develop this subject. In the following photos, we can see the Y1 kids reviewing the food vocabulary, the numbers and the linguistic structures with the game “The shopping list”,

2205, 2016


ESO BOOK WEEK 22nd APRIL During the Book Week at the secondary courses, we worked about Shakespeare in the English classes. We also improve some the students skills in English: we watched ESO BOOK WEEK 22nd APRIL Durant la setmana de les lletres, a l’ESO vam treballar Shakespeare des de la classe d’anglès. Vam aprofitar per desenvolupar diverses competències en llengua anglesa: vam veure vídeos sobre Shakespeare

2005, 2016


POLYGONS In order to learn the regular polygons, we have used the material shown in the photos so students could learn them with a more manipulative and visual activity. Each polygon has the numbers of sides and his name. POLYGONS Per tal de treballar els polígons regulars, hem dut a terme aquest material perquè sigui més manipulatiu i visual. Cada polígon té el seu nom i el

1905, 2016


LES PLANTES Els nens i nenes de 1r de primària hem treballat el tema de les plantes en anglès. L’objectiu era conèixer les plantes com a éssers vius, saber què necessiten per viure, quines són les seves parts i què aporten a les persones. Aquest tema, igual que la resta, es treballa de forma transversal, és a dir, des de totes les àrees curriculars. Des de l’àrea de castellà hem

2904, 2016


SO MIDDLE AGES IN ENGLISH One of the aims of the Erasmus + project was preparing material to teach some topics in English. That’s why, we have prepared some materials to work the Middle Ages in English with the students of 2nd of ESO and we have carried on some lessons in English. ESO MIDDLE AGES IN ENGLISH Un dels objectius del projecte Erasmus + consistia en

2904, 2016


LA 1ª GUERRA MUNDIAL EN INGLÉS El alumnado de 4º de la ESO ha revivido un episodio de la 1ª Guerra Mundial como si ellos mismos fueran los protagonistas. Nos referimos a la noche de Navidad que los soldados en las trincheras de ambos frentes dejaron la guerra de lado por una noche y celebraron la Navidad. Por eso, el alumnado ha escrito cartas en inglés como si fueran soldados

2504, 2016


CHEFS A PRIMÀRIA The 6th primary children became school chefs for some hours. As they were working vocabulary related to food, they made a different activity that the ones they are used to: a cooking T.V. program. CHEFS A PRIMÀRIA Els alumnes de 6è es van convertir en els xefs de l’escola per unes hores. Aprofitant que treballaven el vocabulari dels aliments, van fer una activitat diferent

2104, 2016


LA HORA DEL CUENTO EN INGLÉS El pasado 21 de abril y durante la semana de “Sant Jordi”, una madre de P3 de Educación Infantil juntamente con acompañante de la misma familia, vinieron voluntariamente por la tarda a nuestra escuela y nos ofrecieron la Hora del Cuento en Inglés (Story Time) para todos los niños de 3 años de la clase de “Els Pingüins” y “Els Dofins”. Nos explicaron dos

1404, 2016


RÀDIO One of the participants in the Erasmus + project has gone to the radio of Rubí to explain what this project is about and what actions the school is developing. The learning activities and the other actions undertaken have been summarized. There have also been commented the other diffusion actions. RÀDIO Una representante de los participantes en el proyecto Erasmus + ha ido a la Radio

3003, 2016


STORY TIME The 30th of March, the teachers who participate in the Erasmus + project, organized a Story Time in the Mestre Martí Tauler’s library, in Rubí. After that, there was a refreshment to inaugurate the exposition is being exhibited at the library, where you can see in images different formations and experiences of observation in the schools that teachers made during the 2015th summer. Those activities were made possible

3003, 2016


EXPOSICIÓ ERASMUS+ BIBLIOTECA MESTRE MARTÍ TAULÉ From March the 30th to the end of April, the public library Mestre Martí Taulé of Rubí displays some photographs and information to know more details about the Erasmus + project (Teachers European Development 2014-2016) which our school carried out last summer. EXPOSICIÓ ERASMUS+ BIBLIOTECA MESTRE MARTÍ TAULÉ Des del dia 30 de març fins a finals d’abril,

1603, 2016


MANOS ENCARGADAS Una vez todos los niños de 3 años estuvieron bien adaptados al día a día y a las rutinas de clase decidimos introducir los encargados de clase a través de esta actividad llamada “Helping Hands”. Cada niño hizo la huella de su mano con pintura de diferentes colores en una cartulina. Después pusimos el nombre del niño en cada huella de mano y así cada día

903, 2016


HORES A PRIMÀRIA The 4th primary children have worked the hours in English. When they knew the hour that I had asked them, they made sentences saying the hours they had in front of them. They enjoyed a lot! HORES A PRIMÀRIA Els alumnes de quart de primària han estat treballant les hores en anglès. Un cop sabien quina hora els estava preguntant, venia la segona part,

903, 2016


SOME/ANY In 1st of ESO, we have worked the articles some/any in English through several dialogues that students have created as if they were in the supermarket. First, we have worked the fod vocabulary and we have learnt the structures they had to use (Do you have some apples, please? We don’t have any apples here, etc.). Then, we have split the class in two groups: the sellers and

2902, 2016


PRESENTACIÓN DE LAS EXPERIENCIAS ERASMUS+ El pasado 29 de febrero, un grupo de profesorado de la escuela Montserrat compartió con sus compañeros y compañeras de la escuela los aprendizajes que adquirieron este verano en los cursos de formación levados a cabo gracias a la beca Erasmus + concedida por la Unión Europea. Las formaciones versaban en metodología de la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa, metodología en CLIL y

2202, 2016


RACONS THE FARM The 1st primary students are learning the farm animals and making different games in class. This time the games have been:- Memory dibuix i nom de l’animal- Order phrases d’animals- Arrive Contes in English- Order els dies de la setmanaHope you thanked the fetra nostra !! RACONS LA GRANJA Els alumnes de primer estem treballant els animals de la granja i fem diferents racons