NOTÍCIES ERASMUS 2018-202020-04-09T16:52:16+00:00
502, 2020


TRAVELER BOOK This course we have started the English project with the P-5 and Initial Primary Cycles’ students. Every week they carry the English book in order to read it with their parents at home. They draw a picture and, in the case of the older ones, do a short activity related with the story. Students are enjoying a lot and families are getting very involved.

2012, 2019


CHRISTMAS CAROLS As usual in December, our students have been learning Christmas Carols in Catalan and Spanish. ¡We love them! Moreover, in preschool, primary 1st and 2nd we have learned them also in English. We want to share some of their titles with you: P3: “We wish you a Merry Christmas”; P4: “I’m a little Snowman”; P5: “I’m a little Star”; 1st: “Baby Jesus We Love You”; 2nd: :

1912, 2019


CHRISTMAS STORYTELLING It is Christmas time! Javi and Fernanda have fulfilled their promise and they have returned to our school to explain us a Christmas story. Little, the Lion, with his family and friends are very happy preparing the Christmas time and all together has a lot of homework: postcards, the tree…  They will go to sleep early waiting for Santa Claus and his gifts. Merry Christmas Javi

2111, 2019


UNDER THE SEA Students of 5th grade of Primary school do Arts and Crafts subject in English. One of the activities they have done is an individual handwork about the seabed. It is a drawing of the seabed with colourful markers in a plastic folder and once finished, you introduce a black sheet inside it.  On the other hand they made a magnifying glass with a white cardboard.

2410, 2019


AUTUMN STORYTELLING Autumn has arrived and also Javi and Fernanda who have come back to our school to explain us a storytelling related to this season of the year. A lion called “Little” and his friends are preparing “Halloween “party and they have some problem that they will solve with good ideas and friendship. Many thanks again Javi and Fernanda and we are waiting for you on Christmas!

1210, 2019


AUTUMN IS HERE! Autumn is here! In preschool we are working on vocabulary from this season of the year. Apart from Autumn vocabulary, we are learning words related to Halloween… Spooky! To work in this vocabulary, we are using flashcards as guidance. AUTUMN IS HERE! Ja ha arribat la tardor! A l’etapa d’infantil estem treballant molt vocabulari d’aquesta estació de l’any en  anglès.

2609, 2019


EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES On September 26th European Union celebrates the European Day of Languages, an initiative born in 2001 which its main objective is to promote the learning of languages throughout Europe. It is a tribute to the linguistic diversity of our European continent with more than 200 own languages. A special appeal is made to all Europeans for to encourage them to learn others languages at

1505, 2019


INTERVIEWS The 5th graders have made interviews to each other, acting different roles and characters. They have improved their vocabulary in English in a different funny way. ENTREVISTES Els alumnes de 6è de primària s’han fet entrevistes els uns als altres, representant diversos papers i personatges. Han millorat el seu vocabulari d’anglès d’una manera divertida i diferent. ENTREVISTAS

1505, 2019


CAMBRIDGE DAYS Always guided by our wish to help in the education of our students, to do our best and offer the best services, the school will do this year, as the previous four years, some mock  Cambridge exams for students from 6th Primary to 4th Secondary Education (according to the European common reference framework: A1,A2, B1,B2) Apart from that, the novelty of this course will be to

905, 2019


SCHOOL TRIP A group of fifth graders went to a rural house in “La Atmetlla del Vallès, Barcelona,” for three days. The house was sourranded by a garden and many places to play, so students did various activities, all aimed at non-formal education.  They did many activities, such as dynamics in order to get to know each other better, adventure sports, hiking in the mountains and games. All those

305, 2019


STORYTELLING  “LITTLE THE LION” Javi Segovia came to our school. He selflessly offered to all our Pre-school students a Story Telling in English which was written and musicalized by himself. It was a story called “Little and his coloured tails” and it was about a special lion whose name is “Little” and he hasn’t got a tail. It was a tender show where students could enjoy a lot,

1004, 2019


EASTER The 5th grade primary students, the P-5 students and the 1st grade primary students help each other by colouring Easter eggs. PASQUA Els alumnes de 5è de primària, els alumnes de P-5 i els alumnes de 1r de primària s’han ajudat els uns als altres pintant ous de Pasqua. PASCUA DE RESURRECCIÓN Los alumnos de 5º de primaria, los

504, 2019


THE  ANIMALS  FARM In the class we are studying the farm. The teacher explains the different tasks of the farmer in the field. It’s hard working but healthy. There are lots of animals on the farm. Everyone needs food and care. Some children have brought an animal that they have at home. We have made lots of games with them. The funniest activity is to guess what animal

104, 2019


THE NUMBERS AND COLOURS The students three years old can choose a game. They have balls, dolls, animals …, but often they pick up cars. They play car driving and parking in the garage. Each car has a different colour and parked on a floor. The children must tell the numbers of the floor and the colors of the cars in English. ELS NOMBRES

2903, 2019


TEACHING THE YOUNGERS The 5th grade primary students have been teachers for one day. They have taught English to the little ones (P-5 and 1st grade primary). They have had a lot of fun while we were learning. ENSENYAR ELS JOVES Els alumnes de 5è de primària han estat mestres per un dia. Han ensenyat anglès als més petits (P-5 i 1r de

2503, 2019


HAKUNA MATATA The third grade students are learning the famous Lion King song in english. Check out our video. It sounds great! Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase! HAKUNA MATATA Els nens i nenes de 3r estem treballant la famosa cançó del Rei Lleó en anglès. Mireu que bé sona en el vídeo. Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase!

603, 2019


WHO IS WHO? The students like guessing the hidden person.  They use this game to practice vocabulary about the physical  appearance in English. Therefore, every day, when we have some free time, we take this opportunity to go and play again. QUI ÉS QUI? Als alumnes els  encanta endevinar el personatge amagat.  Utilitzen el joc per practicar vocabulari en anglès sobre l’aspecte físic.

603, 2019


T.V. PROGRAMMES 6th graders have made different TV programmes such as TV News, Cooking programmes and contests. They have improved their vocabulary in English while they were recording their shows. Watch our videos! PROGRAMES DE TELEVISIÓ Els alumnes de sisè de primària han inventat diferents programes de televisió (Telenotícies, programes de cuina, concursos…) per tal de millorar la seva creativitat i competencia oral

2502, 2019


SPEAKING 3r ESO Students of 3rd of ESO role-playing a real dialogue :At the shop. A situation of our real lives. SPEAKING 3r ESO Els estudiants de 3r ESO han realitzat un diàleg real: un dia en una botiga. Una situació real que trobem a la nostra vida quotidiana. SPEAKING 3r ESO Los estudiantes de 3r ESO han

1902, 2019


THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR This week the youngest students of the school have enjoyed the Storytelling “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. We really enjoyed it! #ErasmusPlus #Storytelling THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR Aquesta setmana els més petits de l’escola hem gaudit de l’Storytelling “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. We really enjoyed it! #ErasmusPlus #Storytelling THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR Esta semana los

1202, 2019


GOOD  MORNING ROUTINE We do an English Good Morning routine every tuesday. We listen a good morning song while we dance and sing together.  Then we continue with the register to know how many children are at school and how many are at home. The teacher says good morning to every student and they repeat the sentence and they choose and touch a medal to greet her. There

1102, 2019


SYMBOLIC GAME Aquest projecte s’ha finançat amb el recolzament de la Comissió Europea. Aquesta publicació (comunicació) és responsabilitat exclusiva de l’autor. La Comissió no es fa responsable de l’ús que es pugui fer de la informació d’aquest document.

2401, 2019


THE WEATHER An active and funny game to learn the weather in English! The game consists in handing out one weather flash card to every participant: sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy... Each participating student makes a row to do a race. There must always be two flash cards repeated from each atmospheric time. The game controller takes a flash card and shouts his name out loud. Then, the two

1901, 2019


MY BOX OF LIFE The 6th grade primary students created a box of life. They brought three things inside it and they had to explain to the rest of the classmates why they were important to them. The three things were: A photo that was important to them. An object that was important to them for a special reason. Something that represented what they want to be in

2012, 2018


CHRISTMAS IS HERE!!! The 4th grade primary students have made some Father Christmas and angels. The 5th grade primary students have learned new Christmas vocabulary and songs. The 6th grade primary students have made a Christmas memory game. EL NADAL ÉS AQUÍ !!! Els alumnes de 4t de primària han fet Pares Noels i àngels. Els alumnes de 5è de primària han après nou

2811, 2018


MY FAVOURITE ONES The 4th grade primary students designed a special flower. Each petal had information about their favourite food, book, film, animal and sport. After doing that, they had to show and explain it to the classmates. EL MEU FAVORIT Els alumnes de 4t de primària han dissenyat una flor especial. Cada pètal tenia informació sobre el seu menjar preferit, llibre, pel·lícula, animal

1311, 2018


MONTSERRAT’S TALENT SHOW Last week third graders students did a very special activity in order to show our “talents” or skills. Reproducing TV programs such as Got Talent, our students were grouped according to their personal tastes or preferences and they prepared a performance to be done in front of other students. In this performance they needed to do a short performance explaining who they were, what they

110, 2018


ROLE PLAY SUPERMARKET We go to the Role Play room every Wednesday for 1 hour more or less. There are 4 gaming corners: Our house, The supermarket, The doctors and the garage with cars and mechanic tools. This time I chose the supermarket to play with my students and I always use the English language. We buy and sell all kind of food ( vegetables, fruits, bread, meat,

2009, 2018


ERASMUS+ 2018-2020 PROJECT Our school in cooperation with Sepie is involved in the Erasmus+2018-2020 project. The aims are: to improve the English linguistic skill, to know about different methodologies to work the foreign language and internationalize the school. In our school we have formed the multilingual commission; whereby our teachers are trained abroad in order to implement new educational practices. Actually we have been following the project we